Passion Fruit Milk Tea - The Tart Fruit Flavored Bubble Tea

Passion Fruit Milk Tea

Passion Fruit Milk Tea Picture

Passion fruit bubble tea is made from the tropical fruit that grows predominantly in South America. It can also be found produced in the United States, in California, and Florida. Thr fruit grows like weeds, so it doesn't make sense for someone to pay expensive prices for the fruit, if they can grow it on their own, or just buy the syrup. It flourishes mainly in the warmer climate, but can grow all throughout the year. The plants become quite weighty with the fruit and the many vines that it grows on.
The taste of the passion fruit boba is tarty, meaning that it is sour with some sweetness. This is the closest you can get to a naturally flavored tart candy-like bubble tea, unless you use lemon or lime. There are different varieties of this one fruit that can grow into a purple passion fruit, or the yellow passion fruit. Most find the taste of the purple to taste better than the yellow, while others favor the yellow more.
I generally love all fruits, and find the sour flavors to be fun. The sweet flavor from the passion fruit makes it like a sugared lemonade, but with its own unique taste. While making the drink, if milk is added, it does smoothen the taste more, so I would recommend more flavoring if you want more of the tartness.

You can purchase the syrups here if you need it for making the bubble tea:
Buy Passion Fruit Syrup for Making Bubble Tea
2 to 3 tablespoons of passion fruit syrup or more should be enough to give that fruit flavor for a 16oz drink. More would be needed for a more sour flavor if you are using actual milk to make the drink, because the milk may mask the flavor a bit. 

Boba Shop Help: Basic Ingredients for Making Passion Fruit Bubble Tea

These are the basic ingredients needed to make the passion fruit bubble tea at home, or for your boba shop if you need help as a barista.

  1. Make your tea. The tea should be 2 teaspoons of the tea leaf flavor of your choice for every 16 ounces of water. Here are the tea leaf flavors for bubble tea.
  2. Place 5 to 6 ounces of cooked tapioca pearls per 16 ounces into the bottom of the cup.
  3. Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of passion fruit syrup flavoring to the drink for every 16 ounces.
  4. Pour the tea, along with the milk (if you are making a milk tea) into the cup and shake, or mix it together.
  5. If you are adding milk to create a passion fruit milk tea, then add 4 to 6 tablespoons of the milk tea powder mix, or use 7 to 8 ounces of milk with 8 ounces of tea.
  6. Add ice as needed.
Please refer to the guide to making the perfect tapioca pearls, and cooking tapioca pearls to ensure that your bubble tea drink has good flavor and texture.

This is an excellent spring or summer drink to have as a boba drink. It is actually one of the top 10 popular bobas in the list here. It adds a unique excitement to the taste buds, to find something that reminds you of the tarts candy.

The ingredients for the boba tea is:

  • Tea Leaves flavor of your choice.


Learning to make the milk tea, if you prefer not to use tea leaves, is as simple as buying the milk tea mix here. It will teach about milk tea, how to make it, and show you where to get it from. The mixture will contain the most used tea leaves, the black tea leaves. A lot of people stick with the (black) milk tea, that is why.

If you want to continue with the process of steeping the tea leaves, then check out the tea leaves section. It will give you some background about each tea flavor, and help with steeping the teas at the right times and temperatures.

The boba would be the last part to add, which needs to be cooked. Check the making tapioca pearls guide, and the how to cook boba pearls for information, and where to get the right pearls. This isn't it though. With passion fruit being such a delightfully juicy fruit, there are popping pearls worth checking out, if you would like the turn the entire boba drink into a passion fruit beverage. Check the top 10 popping bobas guide for additional help, or just go here:

Passion Fruit Popping Boba Picture
Buy Passion Fruit Exploding Boba
